Regular Pap Screening May Save your Life

cervical cancer

Cervical cancer: what you need to know

Among the most common causes of cervical cancer is human papilloma virus or HPV, a sexually transmitted disease, certain strains of which lead to the development of cervical cancer. Lifestyle factors including smoking, certain types of birth control and plurality of sexual partners can increase your risk for cervical cancer as well. Women older than 21 should be regularly screened for HPV while it is recommended that women over the age of 30 also receive regular screenings for HPV.

Earlier detection means earlier treatment

Despite all this, the stats are also on your side: Pap testing has turned the tables on cervical cancer. In fact, early detection of cervical cancer and treatment for precancerous symptoms before they become cancerous has dramatically reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in our population. If you are interested in finding out how preventative medicine and regular screenings can help you avoid life-altering conditions such as cervical cancer, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.

Get Moving for More Energy

woman movement

To keep energy levels high, move more

By you now, you may be so far gone on a coffee-a-day routine that your body doesn’t know how to function without a chemical stimulant. One of the best ways to break yourself out of this cycle is to make sure you get regular movement. How does it work?

  • Movement=circulation. Oxygen, glucose and nutrients move to every cell, especially the ones in your brain.
  • Movement relieves the muscular and structural fatigue of being sedentary. It helps your body feel alive as well as your brain. Even a quick stretch has the benefit of making you feel more awake.

All women can benefit from more movement

Movement is life; it is the most essential secret to a long life with a healthy body. If you are looking for ways to move more, or trying to overcome a condition that is preventing you from moving, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.

Birth Control and Depression: What to Know

birth control and depression

Hormonal birth control is linked to a higher risk for depression in women

The first thing you may notice when starting a new birth control are little things like a regulation of your period, slight weight fluctuation and improved acne. Further down the line are mood swings which may resolve themselves after a matter of months. But some women may experience an increased risk for depression, and it is usually experienced quickly: most cases of increased depression symptoms occur within six months of starting a new birth control.

Protect your mental health by talking to your doctor

You don’t have to sacrifice your mental health in order to minimize your risk for pregnancy. There are different types of hormonal birth control available as well as options that don’t change your hormone balance at all. Keep a close eye on your mental and physical health in the six months after starting a new birth control and make sure to contact us if you feel like it is not working for you.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding is More Common than you Think


How we help women with menorrhagia at Ahkami Medical Group

As your Passaic gynecological specialists, our office will perform a full medical exam if you suspect you may be suffering from mennorhagia. This includes a full medical history including detailed questions about your menstrual cycles. We perform tests including blood tests, endometrial biopsy, pap test and ultrasound to determine if there are abnormalities in your blood flow and possible causes. Depending on the results of these tests, further tests may be ordered if necessary. Depending on the type of condition we determine, there are many types of treatment and therapies available to you. We will be sure to discuss all your options including those involving drugs and surgery to ensure you make an informed decision regarding the direction of your care. Before all else, remember that you are not alone- this is a condition that affects one in five American women. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.

The Lowdown on Yeast Infections

yeast infections

Prevention of vaginal yeast infections

At Ahkami Medical Group, we believe in a preventative approach to health care! Therefore we have come up with this list of ways to prevent yeast infections entirely!

It is important to remember that yeast thrives in warm, moist environments. To this end, avoid:

  • Douches, vaginal sprays and lotions
  • Soaking in hot tubs and baths
  • Spending time in wet clothes/bathing suits

Instead, try to:

  • Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear
  • Limit your intake of processed foods
  • Consume foods that contain probiotics such as yogurt
  • Always clean the genital area thoroughly

Treating a vaginal yeast infection begins by contacting your doctor

Vaginal yeast infections can be painful and particularly uncomfortable- if you believe you may have one, you should not hesitate to contact a health professional. Most yeast infections respond well and clear up entirely when treated with oral prescription medications and OTC topical antifungal creams. These are both good options that can eradicate yeast infections entirely but it is important to know which to use and how! We can help you there; to this end, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today.

PCOS: A Little Known Condition that Affects 1 in 10 Women of Reproductive Age

reproductive health

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder

PCOS is caused by abnormally high levels of male hormones known as androgens. Digging deeper we find that this hormone imbalance is linked to another imbalance in the body: excess insulin, the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation, interacts with the ovaries and causes them to produce an excess of testosterone. The result? Myriad unpleasant symptoms including:

  • Cysts
  • Irregular periods
  • Facial hair
  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Baldness

Furthermore, many women with PCOS are at risk for developing prediabetes and diabetes.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: what we can do about it

Unfortunately there is no cure for PCOS-instead we focus on managing symptoms and reducing their impact on your life. To the best of our ability we use medication and manage lifestyle factors to reduce your likelihood for infertility and diabetes. Birth control pills are effective for regulating hormones and menstrual cycles, while other treatments can help with the regulation of blood glucose levels while simultaneously lowering testosterone production.

Diagnosing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This is not a straightforward diagnosis; instead, we perform blood tests to measure hormone levels, and work on eliminating the possibility for other conditions that are similar to PCOS. Furthermore, we will use ultrasound to scan for growths in the reproductive organs. If you are suffering from symptoms that sound similar to PCOS, it is worth calling our office and starting the conversation today. In our opinion, it is always better to have all the facts in your hands and to know that there are steps you can take to live more comfortably with your condition.

The Side-Effects of Sleep Loss Affect Women Disproportionately

sleep well Passaic

Healthy sleeping for women

If you have been struggling to fall or stay asleep consistently for a long period of time, it is time to seek the advice of a medical professional. The stakes (your health) are too great to not be getting the sleep you need. At Ahkami Medical Group, we focus on determining the underlying cause of your sleeplessness and setting a course to help you get back to your natural sleep cycle. But we urge every woman to exercise the factors that are within her control including:

  • Sleep environment: keep lights off, limit noise and keep your bedroom temperature cool.
  • Sleep hygiene: clean sheets regularly, engage in relaxing behaviors before bed including (not-too) hot showers.
  • Monitor caffeine intake throughout the day: caffeine can work in the system for up to 8 hours after ingestion.
  • Establish consistency with your sleep and waking patterns.

How we help women find more quality sleep in Passaic

At our office in Passaic, we want to help you return to a normal healthy sleep cycle. Depending on what is stopping you from sleeping, there are a plethora of recommendations to be made and certain medications to consider. Don’t let sleep deprivation continue to wreak havoc in your life; instead call our office to schedule an appointment today.

Sleeping your Way Through College is More Important than you Thought

sleeping in college

Sleeping in college is rife with challenges

While college is usually the time people discover the outer limits of what caffeine can do to keep a human going, it is always important to seek a healthy sleep schedule. College poses a whole new set of challenges to your sleep health- from an unfamiliar environment to an increase in stress; from noise at night to the effects of substances; you may find it more difficult to find the rest you need.

Tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep in college

  • Establish regularity with your sleep schedule: shoot to be in bed and waking at about the same time every day.
  • Don’t exercise, eat a lot or drink alcohol before bed!
  • Cut back on caffeine
  • Control your sleep environment: keep your room dark and slightly cool

We help you determine what is stopping you from restful sleep

If you aren’t getting the quantity or quality of sleep you need it is worth talking to a health professional. Sleep problems range from insomnia to restless leg syndrome; from sleep apnea to narcolepsy and many conditions in between. We focus on identifying lifestyle choices that could be preventing your from recouping during your 8 hours a night. From here, we determine whether you could benefit from medication or simple lifestyle adjustments to account for better sleep. If you are interested in improving your sleep life, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today.

Entering College with the Upper Hand in Health

Prepare for college Passaic

College is bound to expose you to a whole host of new health risks

Proximity alone puts you at an elevated risk for coming into contact with airborne contagions. Poor diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs are among the factors that compromise your immune system and leave your body impaired when it comes to fighting off viruses. We want to make sure your bases are covered when it comes to:

  • Reproductive health
  • Sleep health
  • Diet and exercise
  • Medication safety

Preparing for college should include a trip to the doctor

Our goal is to make sure you enter college prepared health-wise; this is more than can be said for many kids who are leaving home for the first time. Knowing what to look out for and how to protect your own health is part of the learning curve of college; at Ahkami Medical Group we make it easier by teaching you how to deal with common health concerns.

Does your PMS feel too Extreme?

PMDD in Passaic

Do you feel at the mercy of your period?

If you feel that your PMS symptoms are of a more extreme degree, it is a good idea to speak with a doctor. At Ahkami Medical Group, we offer a medical examination that can help determine whether your symptoms are indicative of PMDD or another condition. From here, we can move forward with several avenues of treatment including:

  • Managing nutrition: this includes limiting certain harmful substances, and implementing supplements including calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Many women also find relief with herbal remedies.
  • Birth control pills: birth control helps to regulate hormones and has been shown to provide relief from extreme PMDD symptoms.
  • Antidepressants: certain medications can help reduce the toll of mental anxiety, problems with sleeping and fatigue.

Are you ready to take back control of your life from PMDD?

If so, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today. We can help you pinpoint your symptoms and set a course for treatment that will mitigate their severity.