Archive for June 2017
Sleeping your Way Through College is More Important than you Thought
Sleeping in college is rife with challenges
While college is usually the time people discover the outer limits of what caffeine can do to keep a human going, it is always important to seek a healthy sleep schedule. College poses a whole new set of challenges to your sleep health- from an unfamiliar environment to an increase in stress; from noise at night to the effects of substances; you may find it more difficult to find the rest you need.
Tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep in college
- Establish regularity with your sleep schedule: shoot to be in bed and waking at about the same time every day.
- Don’t exercise, eat a lot or drink alcohol before bed!
- Cut back on caffeine
- Control your sleep environment: keep your room dark and slightly cool
We help you determine what is stopping you from restful sleep
If you aren’t getting the quantity or quality of sleep you need it is worth talking to a health professional. Sleep problems range from insomnia to restless leg syndrome; from sleep apnea to narcolepsy and many conditions in between. We focus on identifying lifestyle choices that could be preventing your from recouping during your 8 hours a night. From here, we determine whether you could benefit from medication or simple lifestyle adjustments to account for better sleep. If you are interested in improving your sleep life, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today.
Entering College with the Upper Hand in Health
College is bound to expose you to a whole host of new health risks
Proximity alone puts you at an elevated risk for coming into contact with airborne contagions. Poor diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs are among the factors that compromise your immune system and leave your body impaired when it comes to fighting off viruses. We want to make sure your bases are covered when it comes to:
- Reproductive health
- Sleep health
- Diet and exercise
- Medication safety
Preparing for college should include a trip to the doctor
Our goal is to make sure you enter college prepared health-wise; this is more than can be said for many kids who are leaving home for the first time. Knowing what to look out for and how to protect your own health is part of the learning curve of college; at Ahkami Medical Group we make it easier by teaching you how to deal with common health concerns.
Does your PMS feel too Extreme?
Do you feel at the mercy of your period?
If you feel that your PMS symptoms are of a more extreme degree, it is a good idea to speak with a doctor. At Ahkami Medical Group, we offer a medical examination that can help determine whether your symptoms are indicative of PMDD or another condition. From here, we can move forward with several avenues of treatment including:
- Managing nutrition: this includes limiting certain harmful substances, and implementing supplements including calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Many women also find relief with herbal remedies.
- Birth control pills: birth control helps to regulate hormones and has been shown to provide relief from extreme PMDD symptoms.
- Antidepressants: certain medications can help reduce the toll of mental anxiety, problems with sleeping and fatigue.
Are you ready to take back control of your life from PMDD?
If so, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today. We can help you pinpoint your symptoms and set a course for treatment that will mitigate their severity.
The Many Shades of Emotion during PMS
How we help women with severe PMS symptoms in Passaic
At Ahkami Medical Group, we believe that if the severity of your PMS symptoms is encroaching on your enjoyment of life, something should be done. It all starts with a conversation- once we determine how PMS is affecting your life, we can move forward with recommendations regarding changes in lifestyle and medication that can help mitigate the side effects of PMS. If you are ready to take back control of your life from the emotional roller coaster of PMS, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today.
How to Keep off Weight Gain after Menopause
Nutrition for postmenopausal women
Below you will find some basic guidelines that help guide nutritional choices. While this might make for a radical departure for some, it is worth experimenting with diet to determine how a more balanced diet can help you lead a more balanced life.
- Bone health: vitamin D, calcium and magnesium are all important ingredients for maintaining bone density and preventing the onset of conditions like osteoporosis.
- Establish balance in your diet: healthy grains, and the incorporation of plenty of vegetables and fruits daily.
- Choose healthy fats: mono and polyunsaturated fat as opposed to trans and saturated fats.
- Anti-inflammatory ingredients help with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- And what to avoid: excessive caffeine intake, cigarettes, sugar and bad fats.
Menopause services in Passaic
At Ahkami Medical Group, we support women in all phases of life. We help you understand what is happening to your body, what to expect and helping you to establish a healthy and positive outlook on a time of great emotional and physical upheaval. Even small, seemingly insignificant symptoms deserve a discussion if they are causing you concern; if you are interested in finding out more about our services for menopausal women, give our office in Passaic a call to schedule an appointment today.