Entering College with the Upper Hand in Health
College is bound to expose you to a whole host of new health risks
Proximity alone puts you at an elevated risk for coming into contact with airborne contagions. Poor diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs are among the factors that compromise your immune system and leave your body impaired when it comes to fighting off viruses. We want to make sure your bases are covered when it comes to:
- Reproductive health
- Sleep health
- Diet and exercise
- Medication safety
Preparing for college should include a trip to the doctor
Our goal is to make sure you enter college prepared health-wise; this is more than can be said for many kids who are leaving home for the first time. Knowing what to look out for and how to protect your own health is part of the learning curve of college; at Ahkami Medical Group we make it easier by teaching you how to deal with common health concerns.